Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Relief from Ingrown Toenails?

I have been trimming my big toenails for years by cutting the corner of the nail out so I don't get ingrown toenails. I have recently been trying to grow them out so they are square instead of round. This is causing them a lot of pain and the nail sometimes gets back in my toe. I have not been to a podiatrist. What should I do?Relief from Ingrown Toenails?
Get expert help, once they go in theres not a lot you can do yourself. You will probably need a small operation to remove a wedge shaped section of nail and kill the nail bed so the nail wont grow back again.Relief from Ingrown Toenails?
I would see someone immediately just due to the fact that bad toenails can cause all kinds of problems to not only your foot but your circulatory system.

Something you may not have tried however is training the nail. I have an ingrown nail on my one big toe and to relieve the pain and pressure I will get a piece of paper, fold it over once, and put the folded end (so no papercut can occur) under the toenail from the corner that hurts. This forces the nail up from the skin and onto the paper. Just a temporary way to get some relief until you can get in to get real help :)
One thing that helps relieve the pain is to soak your feet in hot/warm water with epsom salts. Either stop cutting your nails so short...or go back to what has worked in the past.
I went through the same thing. Finally had to go to the DR for help. She had to cut out the nail on one toe because it had grown so far in. On the other, she just lifted the corner of the nail and packed a tiny wad of cotton under it to prevent it from growing in.
If it is infected (red, swollen) you probably should see a doctor (podiatrist or even a family doctor).

When I have these issues, I try to keep it clean and see if I can wait it out while it grows out (assuming theres no signs of infection). But if you are having alot of pain, the skin probably is not use to the nail growing into that area and you should see a doctor. They can trim it in a way to help it grom back, and if there is an infection can treat it for you.
I've been doin the same thing for years %26amp; the doctor just told me, it was a thing that diabetic get %26amp; there nothing I could do for it, but I'd like to see what answers U get
For nail abnormalities due to ingrown toenails, wear shoes that don't squeeze the toes together, and always cut the nails straight across along the top.

Please see the webpages for more details on Ingrown toenails.

It sounds like you've created an ingrowing toenail by trimming off the corners, nails do need to be cut straight across.

You're most likely to need to see a surgeon or podiatrist, I'm afraid.

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