Friday, January 15, 2010

Do you get annoyed when a man cuts his hard disgusting toenails in the house?

Yeah, next time I'm going over to YOUR house!

Where ELSE am I supposed to do it? Oh, I'll walk barefooted 3 miles in the SNOW just for you! And where do you cut YOUR Pretty Little Delicate Stinky Trotter Spikes? Do you eat them with ROSE PETALS?

Who T F do think you are, trying to tell me what to do?


thank you. I feel so much better now.

.Do you get annoyed when a man cuts his hard disgusting toenails in the house?
Yes but what is even worse is when he clips a toenail and it soars through the sky and pops me dead in the eyeball.Do you get annoyed when a man cuts his hard disgusting toenails in the house?
Yeah, especially when it is NOT over a garbage and they go flying all over the place, it is so gross.
Yeah I do, but where else is he supposed to cut them?
It's worst when he cuts them and leaves them in the bath and I don't notice and sit on them :(
I can top that: my boss does it sitting at his desk! And you wonder why I spend so much time on YA...
No but i get annoyed when women feel the need to pluck all or most of their eyebrows and cake on makeup and smell like they're wearing the entire bottle of perfume and think they look and smell fab.
My boyfriend goes outside to cut his toenails but it won't bother me if he did it inside.
now... you have a choice of either him cutting them, or him growing them. don't be too hasty.

also... atleast e ain't biting off his toenails right? my roommate does that. it's real gross.
A mans house is his castle, so if you don't like it go swim in the moat....
yes especially infront of me and then decides to not pick them up...ewww
yes expecally when they just leave them all over the floor for people to walk on
i don't have a man in the house, but if i did, i would give him a pedicure and he would'nt have to do his own nails, give him one on me, tell him bj sent ya!
Only when he doesn't throw the clippings out
ewwwww........I make mine to it over the toilet.
YES!! and when he doesn't do it over the trash can... EEWWWW
only if he doesnt clean up after himself, but that is alright compared to a man who NEVER cuts his toe nails!
hahaa ready to be grossed out? I CUT HIS TOENAILS! i just like it i dont know why....

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